March 13, 2018 by

Structure of Thought – Aquinas

For Aquinas, Conscience ‘bears witness, morally obliges or stirs to action, and accuses or disquiets or reproves.’ It is an act,…

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February 19, 2018 by

Article – The Death Drive in Freud

Source A century ago, Freud proposed the conception of mind structure models consisting of the following three components: the id (unconscious/instinctual…

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February 17, 2018 by

Article – the Kantian Noumenal Realm

source Kant initiated his own “Copernican revolution” when he challenged philosophers with a new theory of knowledge. The human mind contains…

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February 14, 2018 by

Extract – Ego, Id and Superego

Conscience as  Conflict 1. As the id is primitive (infantile), and in a sense compulsive part of the psyche, and driven…

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January 19, 2018 by

Why I like Freud by William Matthews (poet)

source Well, I’m unqualified to admire Freud as a clinician. I admire Freud as a writer, as someone who’s interested in…

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January 6, 2018 by

Specification H573/2 Business Ethics

3. Applied Ethics: Business Ethics The application of ethical theory, including religious ethical perspectives, to an issue of importance. 3.1 Content…

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January 6, 2018 by

Specification H573/2 Euthanasia

3. Applied Ethics: Euthanasia The application of ethical theory, including religious ethical perspectives, to an issue of importance. 3.1 Content •…

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January 6, 2018 by

Specification H573/2 Kant

2. Normative Ethical Theories: Kantian Ethics A deontological ethical theory. 2.1 Content • Kantian ethics, including: – duty – the hypothetical…

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January 6, 2018 by

Specification H573/2 Natural Law

1. Normative Ethical Theories (Religious Approaches): Natural Law A normative ethical theory taking a religious approach to moral decision-making. 1.1 Content…

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January 6, 2018 by

Specification H573/2 Situation Ethics

1. Normative Ethical Theories (Religious Approaches): Situation Ethics A normative ethical theory taking a religious approach to moral decision-making. 1.1 Content…

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