October 17, 2012 by

2.2 Woman’s Rights: Mary Anne Warren

Mary Anne Warren: “Abortion is Morally Permissible”  Here are some notes on Mary Anne Warren's article. Click here for the full…

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October 17, 2012 by

2.1 Woman’s Rights: Judith Jarvis Thomson

Judith Jarvis Thomson: A Defense of Abortion From Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 1971). (Reprinted in "Intervention…

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October 13, 2012 by

Advanced Article: GE Moore

Published in G. E. Moore, Philosophical Studies, 1922. THE NATURE OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY G. E. Moore Note: Linkable paragraph numbers have…

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October 12, 2012 by

Powerpoint: Abortion and Sanctity of Life

Here is a detailed powerpoint by Andrew Capone considering strong and weak sanctity of life arguments surrounding abortion, and the doctrine…

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October 11, 2012 by

Advanced Article: Van Inwagen

Click here for a pdf version of libertarian Peter van Inwagen's classic explanation in 2008 of the nature of the free…

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October 11, 2012 by

Article: Kant’s compatibilism

Kant's compatibilism There are a number of well-known incompatibilist objections to the spontaneity argument. The first and most obvious is that…

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October 11, 2012 by

Article: Van Inwagen’s Libertarianism

Peter van Inwagen: Libertarianism and incompatibilism Peter Van Inwagen is a libertarian who believes that free will is incompatible with determinism….

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October 9, 2012 by


General Comments G582 A2 Jan 2012 Most candidates were obviously very well prepared for the examination and aware of the demands…

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October 9, 2012 by


General Comments G582 A2 June 2012 As in previous years, some candidates might have benefitted from reading the questions more  carefully…

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October 9, 2012 by


General Comments G572 June 2012 There were some very good responses from candidates, some showing a mature understanding  of the questions….

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