November 11, 2012 by

1.4 Equality and impartiality

Bentham held that there are advantages to a moral philosophy based on a principle of utility. To begin with, the principle…

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November 11, 2012 by

1.2 Pleasure

To understand Bentham's moral philosophy we need to grasp three things: first, he thought pleasure was the only intrinsic good, and…

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November 11, 2012 by

1.3 Felicific calculus

To understand Bentham's moral philosophy we need to grasp three things: first, he thought pleasure was the only intrinsic good, and…

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November 10, 2012 by

1.1 Bentham

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) was a London based moral, political and legal philosopher. He was predominantly interested in a comprehensive reform of…

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November 9, 2012 by

Article 3: A Defense of after birth abortion BMJ 1.3.12

This article by Alberto Guibilini and Francesca Minerva was published in the Journal of Medical Ethics in March 2012, and provoked…

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November 7, 2012 by

Extract 5: Catholic Church on Genetic Engineering

Catholicism and Genetic Science from Acta Apolosticae, Pope Pius XII (1952) Genetic testing, screening, genetic counselling, and gene patenting are emerging…

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November 7, 2012 by

Extract 1: Bishop Robinson Honest to God

In this extract from Honest to God (pages 119-121) we can see the similarities between Robinson’s views in Honest to God…

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November 3, 2012 by

Roadmap Duty and the good will

Source: Robert Louden, a virtue ethicist, considers the idea of the good will and the desires which are in tension with…

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November 3, 2012 by

Roadmap Desire

Source: Brad Hooker explains how the desires of our empirical human nature can never be the origin of moral actions, according to…

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November 2, 2012 by

Roadmap A Posteriori

The term a posteriori is used in philosophy to indicate inductive reasoning (from facts or observation to conclusion). The term is…

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