November 13, 2012 by

Roger Crisp on Utilitarianism (Philosophy Bites)

Click here for Roger Crisp’s excellent podcast on Bentham and Mill, explaining the hedonistic view of Bentham and Mill. Can we…

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November 13, 2012 by

Issues: Kant

If you can DARM Kant you can definitely get an A grade! 1. DERIVATION –  How does Kant derive the idea…

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November 12, 2012 by

LISTEN TO Anthony Kenny on Aquinas

Click here to listen to Anthony Kenny consider the place of law in Aquinas' ethics (from 6 minutes in).  Natural law…

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November 12, 2012 by

LISTEN TO Anthony Kenny on Aquinas

Click here for a discussion of Aquinas' ethics with Anthony Kenny. What was Aquinas' great contribution? What did Aquinas take from…

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November 12, 2012 by

LISTEN TO Mary Warnock on right to a child

Click here for Mary Warnock on the question: does everyone (lesbians, gays, heterosexuals) have a right to a child?  What gives…

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November 12, 2012 by

LISTEN TO Philosophy bites assisted dying

Click here to listen to Nigel Warburton discussing assisted dying with Revd Tom Tallis.

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November 12, 2012 by

Article: 6: Aristotle, Covey and Modern Virtues

In discussing those who tell us today how to achieve eudaimonia, the successful life, we  can start with Mary Midgley’s…

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November 11, 2012 by

2.1 John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill was a philosopher, social reformer, parliamentarian (Liberal MP from 1865-8), and campaigner for women's rights.  He was also…

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November 11, 2012 by

2.2 Happiness

Mill begins Utiltarianism by making a case for hedonism (pleasure-seeking): "Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong…

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November 11, 2012 by

2.3 Qualitative pleasures

Mill accepted Bentham's idea that the greatest happiness principle is the basic statement of moral value: " Actions are right in…

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