November 5, 2015 by

Extract 7: Aristotle’s Idea of the Soul

source Aristotle expands his notion of happiness through an analysis of the human soul which structures and animates a living human…

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November 5, 2015 by

Extract 5: The Meaning of Phronesis

source Practical wisdom (Greek phronesis; sometimes translated ‘prudence’), says Aristotle, is ‘a reasoned  capacity to act with regard to the things…

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November 5, 2015 by

Roadmap: Virtue Ethics

Aristotelean virtue ethics is different from MacIntyre’s in at least three ways. Aristotle starts with an idea of the soul –…

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November 3, 2015 by

Utilitarianism Roadmap: Structure of Thought

Utilitarianism is an empirical philosophy (requiring a calculation) derived from the idea that pleasure or happiness is the one intrinsic good….

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November 3, 2015 by

Extract 8: Euthanasia – a personal reflection against

source: Church of England Christopher Jones wrote this reflection on 30th November 2011, less than six months before his death, aged…

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November 3, 2015 by

Roadmap: Kant’s Structure of Thought

Kantian ethics divides into two sets of ideas – or pairs of opposites. The key to understanding Kant is to try…

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October 15, 2015 by

Essay Guidelines: Environmental Ethics

To what extent are religious teachings on the environment and the Gaia hypothesis compatible? [35] OCR June 2013 Q1 This was…

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October 15, 2015 by

Self-test: Questions on Aristotle

Scroll to the bottom of this page and you’ll find 33 self-test exercises on Aristotle.

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October 14, 2015 by

Activity: Strengths and Weaknesses – Fill in the boxes

Activity: Fill in your own ideas in the blank spaces – with three strengths and three weaknesses Rigidity Kant gave the example…

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October 14, 2015 by

Extract 12: The Four Laws of Aquinas by Richard Jacobs

source NATURAL LAW THEORY “…there is in nature a common principle of the just and unjust that all people in some…

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