November 11, 2012 by

1.3 Felicific calculus

To understand Bentham's moral philosophy we need to grasp three things: first, he thought pleasure was the only intrinsic good, and…

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November 11, 2012 by

1.4 Equality and impartiality

Bentham held that there are advantages to a moral philosophy based on a principle of utility. To begin with, the principle…

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November 11, 2012 by

2.1 John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill was a philosopher, social reformer, parliamentarian (Liberal MP from 1865-8), and campaigner for women's rights.  He was also…

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November 11, 2012 by

2.2 Happiness

Mill begins Utiltarianism by making a case for hedonism (pleasure-seeking): "Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong…

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November 11, 2012 by

2.3 Qualitative pleasures

Mill accepted Bentham's idea that the greatest happiness principle is the basic statement of moral value: " Actions are right in…

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