November 21, 2015 by

Handout: Divine Command Theory

source From Moral Philosophy through the Ages by James Fieser Home: INTRODUCTION “The Underwear Bomber” is the name given to…

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November 21, 2015 by

Extract: Duns Scotus – a Divine Command theory of Natural law

source For Duns Scotus the natural law in the strict sense contains only those moral propositions that are per se notae…

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November 19, 2015 by

Case Study: IVF Treatment

source Film-maker and novelist Rebecca Frayn, now 49, of west London, and husband Andy Harries, a TV executive and producer, spent…

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November 19, 2015 by

WORKBOOK: Genetic Engineering

 WORKBOOK: Genetic Engineering  In this section we apply the ethical principles of Natural law, Kantian and Utilitarian Ethics to four case…

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November 19, 2015 by

Case Study: Right to a Child

source Bill and Susan McNamara have huge reproductive problems.3 Bill has an extremely low sperm count, and Susan is allergic to…

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November 19, 2015 by

Starter Activity: Consent

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November 19, 2015 by

Extract 7: A Christian Perspective on the Perfect Human Being (Eugenics)

source Positive Eugenics – is it even an Issue? Much has been made in science fiction, notably in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave…

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November 17, 2015 by

Roadmap: Natural Law (Aquinas)

Note: Hyperlinks will be added shortly to make this a navigation map PB

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November 17, 2015 by

Extract: Agape

Fletcher maintains that the law for Christians is love, more specifically, agape. He says, “Agape is giving love–non-reciprocal, neighbor regarding–‘neighbor’ meaning…

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November 17, 2015 by

Test Yourself: Quotes and Questions

“Sometimes you’ve gotta put your principles to one side and do the right thing” “As we shall see, Christian situation ethics…

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