October 14, 2016 by

Video Euthanasia – is there a religious case for assisted dying?

Dr Jonathan Romain argues so – and cites Archbishop Desmond Tutu as a supporter. Source This supposedly monolithic religious opposition has…

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March 3, 2016 by

Foundation Extract: Kant in his own words – Duty

Commentary on the preface to the Metaphysics of Morals – Tristan Stone PREFACE “Everyone must admit that a law, if it…

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February 8, 2016 by

Advanced Article: Aquinas’ version of Natural Law

Thomas Aquinas’ understanding of Natural Law source 3.1 Basic image to explain Natural Law By way of beginning I shall use…

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December 4, 2015 by

A Just War?

Just War? Archbishop Justin Welby argued that Syrian airstrikes fulfil Just War criteria. I beg to disagree; yet the problem may…

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November 21, 2015 by

Summary: Rawls’ Two Concepts of Rules

source Rawls, “Two Concepts of Rules” Act-Utilitarianism: An act is wrong if and only if it would fail to produce as…

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November 21, 2015 by

Summary: Singer – Is Act Utilitarianism Self-defeating?

source Singer, “Is Act-Utilitarianism Self-Defeating?” Act-Utilitarianism (AU): An act is right if an only if it would have the best consequences,…

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November 21, 2015 by

Summary: Williams’ Critique of Utilitarianism

source Williams, “A Critique of Utilitarianism” First, some preliminaries: It’s important to be clear about what views Williams’ argument, and the…

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November 21, 2015 by

Summary: Philippa Foot on Relativism

source Foot, “What Is Moral Relativism?” A. What is moral relativism (MR) and what does it entail? Foot begins by assessing…

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November 21, 2015 by

Summary: Gilbert Harman on Relativism

source Harman, “What Is Moral Relativism?” Three Kinds of Moral Relativism Normative Moral Relativism: Different people, as agents, can be subject…

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November 21, 2015 by

Summary: The Divine Command Theory of Ethics

source Divine Command Theory (DCT) of ethics holds that an act is either moral or immoral solely because God either commands…

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