March 21, 2011 by

Extract 5: Pope Benedict on dictatorship of relativism

Benedict XVI just before his election as Pope (April 2005), spoke of the “dictatorship of relativism”. How many winds of doctrine…

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March 20, 2011 by

Extract 3: Lawrence of Arabia

This extract recounts Lawrence’s experience during the Arab revolt against Turkish occupation in Palestine in 1916.  Lawrence had been sent to…

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March 20, 2011 by

Extract 2: The Ik tribe

Anthropologist Colin Turnbull (1972/1995) studied the Ik, a formerly proud nomadic people in northern Uganda whose traditional hunting lands were taken…

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March 19, 2011 by

Extract 6: Singer and Act Utilitarianism

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March 18, 2011 by

Applying Christian Ethics

Religious Ethics – Christian Ethics Questions will ask students to apply religious ethics to practical moral problems. In practice this means…

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March 17, 2011 by

Applying Natural Law

Natural Law – “right reason in agreement with nature” In the OCR specification, natural law and situation ethics are applied to…

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March 15, 2011 by

Applying Relativism

Applying relativism – relativists believe values come from socially approved habits or forms of life Relativism can be either a descriptive…

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March 15, 2011 by

Applying Bentham and Mill

Hedonistic utilitarianism – calculating consequences by measurable pleasure Note: the acronym PRRICED can be used to remember the seven criteria of…

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March 14, 2011 by

Extract 4: Article-thirty years of IVF

The daily telegraph reviews the story of IVF treatments which began on July 25th 1978 with the birth of Louise Brown,…

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March 14, 2011 by

Extract 1: Catholic Church on IVF treatment A human being comes into existence at the moment of fertilization of an oocyte (ovum) by a sperm. This fact…

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