July 5, 2018 by

Suggested Reading: Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith 1984

source The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of freedom and a force for liberation. In recent years, this essential…

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July 5, 2018 by

Extract – Evangelii Nuntiandi 1975

source Papal Encyclical Evangelii Nuntiando 1975 29. But evangelisation would not be complete if it did not take account of the…

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July 5, 2018 by

Article – A Short History of Liberation Theology Leonardo & Clodovis Boff

source A Concise History of Liberation Theology By Leonardo and Clodovis Boff. From the book, Introducing Liberation Theology, published by Orbis…

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July 5, 2018 by

Extract Jon Sobrino and A Preferential Option for the Poor

source Thang Nhat Nguyen – A Preferential option for the poor in Jon Sobrino’s Theology As Gustavo Gutiérrez asserts, “theology must…

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July 5, 2018 by

Extract Marx on Alienation

source   Marx’s Theory of Alienation Chris Arthur ‘Objectification’ is an important category for Marx because in and through its objectification…

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July 5, 2018 by

Extract Hegel on Objectification and Alienation

source For Hegel, what all human beings have in common – what makes them human – is ‘mind’ (reason, thought). Moreover,…

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July 5, 2018 by

Extract: An Analysis of No Religion

source It is easy to imagine the rise of ‘no religion’ being driven by personal crises of faith in which adults…

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June 11, 2018 by

Key Quotes: Natural Theology

Key Quotes Revealed and Natural Theology “Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be…

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June 11, 2018 by

Extract: CS Lewis on Natural Theology

I was taught at school, when I had done a sum, to “prove my answer”. The proof or verification of my…

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June 11, 2018 by

Video: What is Natural Theology? McGrath


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