December 27, 2017 by

Structure of Thought – Liberation Theology

This roadmap illustrates the principle themes and subdivisions in liberation theology which can be further researched with extracts on the website….

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December 27, 2017 by

Article: Liberation Theology of Leonardo Boff

source ASPECTS OF BOFF’S LIBERATION THEOLOGY Like Niebuhr, liberation theologians such as Boff do not believe that the church should necessarily…

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December 27, 2017 by

Summary: Eight Themes of Liberation Theology

source Roger Olson summarizes liberation theology in The Journey of Modern Theology (IVP, 2013): Especially oppressed minorities and women began to…

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December 26, 2017 by

Extract Gustavo Guitterez on Liberation

source “I hope my life tries to give testimony to the message of the Gospel, above all that God loves the…

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December 26, 2017 by

Extract Leonardo Boff on Ecology and Liberation

The most threatened beings in creation: the poor source We now need to bring together these two types of discourse, that…

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December 26, 2017 by

A Critique of Liberation Theology

source “Liberation theology is a critique of Western political, economic, and social structures from the perspectives of the disenfranchised.” -Miguel A…

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December 24, 2017 by

Structure of Thought Religious Pluralism

The structure of thought in religious pluralism is mapped below. Both inclusivists and exclusivists claim biblical authority – inclusivists quote Peter…

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December 12, 2017 by

Article – Feminist Hermeneutics

source Hermeneutics Hermeneutics is not only a key issue in feminist theology but also the area in which it has to…

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November 25, 2017 by

Extract Luther on the Fall

Luther on the Fall source Luther’s Commentary on Genesis This original state of things shows how horrible the fall of Adam…

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November 25, 2017 by

Extract – Image of God and Judaism

source In the Image of G-d The Bible states that humanity was created in the image of G-d, but what does…

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