January 2, 2018 by

Article The Resurrection of the Body

There are a number of different views of the afterlife presented in the Bible: Resurrection of the Body (but in what…

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January 2, 2018 by

Extract – The New Heaven and New Earth

VI. THE HOPE OF THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH 1042 At the end of time, the Kingdom of God…

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January 2, 2018 by

Extract – John’s Gospel in Eternal Life

source Eternal Life in the Gospel of John The core truth is encapsulated in John’s summary of the gospel: “For God…

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January 2, 2018 by

Extract – Paul on Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ 15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you,…

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January 2, 2018 by

Extract – Aquinas on Purgatory

It is said (2 Maccabees 12:46): “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may…

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January 2, 2018 by

Structure of Thought – Afterlife

What happens when we die? On what basis are human beings to experience the afterlife – our faith, our actions, or…

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January 1, 2018 by

Structure of Thought – Person of Christ

We rely on three things for our verdict of Jesus’ identity: the Gospel accounts, Church and academic Teaching and St Paul’s…

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December 31, 2017 by

Structure of Thought – Bonhoeffer Christian Moral Action

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a major theologian and leader of the German Confessing Church established after the Barmen Declaration in 1935…

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December 30, 2017 by

Structure of Thought Augustine

Augustine (354-430 CE) argues that sin enters the world at the Fall (Genesis 3) where selfish lust leads to weakness of…

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December 27, 2017 by

Extract Marxist Praxis

source The Philosophy of Praxis Marxism is not, as the Austro-Marxist Rudolf Hilferding put it, “an objective, value-free science”[77] without any…

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