January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Pluralism and Society

Here is the OCR specification with hyperlinks applied to make it easy for you to resource the suggested reading. Scroll down and you will find my comments designed…

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January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Pluralism and Theology

Here is the OCR specification with hyperlinks applied to make it easy for you to resource the suggested reading. Scroll down and you will find my comments designed…

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January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Moral Action

3. Living: Christian moral action The diversity of ethics and practice, including those that shape and express religious identity, the role…

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January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Moral Principles

3. Living: Christian moral principles The diversity of ethics and practice, including those that shape and express religious identity, the role…

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January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Jesus Christ

2. Foundations: The person of Jesus Christ The origins and development of Christianity, and the sources of wisdom on which it…

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January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Knowledge of God

Here is the OCR specification with hyperlinks applied to make it easy for you to resource the suggested reading. Scroll down and you will find my comments designed…

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January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Death and the Afterlife

1. Insight: Death and the Afterlife Beliefs, teachings and ideas about human life, the world and ultimate reality. 1.1 Content •…

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January 9, 2018 by

Specification H573/3 Augustine

Here is the OCR specification with hyperlinks applied to make it easy for you to resource the suggested reading. Scroll down…

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January 2, 2018 by

Structure of Thought – Ruether (Gender Theology)

Rosemary Ruether is a radical feminist theologian who has tried to stay within the Christian church whist disagreeing fundamentally with patriarchal…

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January 2, 2018 by

Article – Luther on Double and Single Predestination

source 1997 | Brian G. Mattson “All things whatever arise from, and depend on, the divine appointment; whereby it was foreordained…

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