May 18, 2021 by

Essay: Critically Compare Ruether’s and Daly’s Teaching on God.

Critically compare Daly’s and Ruether’s teaching on God (34/40, Grade A) Fundamentally, both Ruether and Daly are trying to promote and…

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November 25, 2020 by

Essay: To what extent was Jesus just a teacher of morality? (26/40 Grade C)

To what extent was Jesus just a teacher of morality? It could be argued that Jesus Christ was just a teacher…

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November 25, 2020 by

Essay: “Theological Pluralism undermines Christian belief”(40/40 A*)

‘Theological pluralism undermines Christian belief.’ Discuss. This essay is an excellent example of how to write a full-mark answer. It has…

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November 24, 2020 by

Essay: Assess the view that Augustine’s view of human nature is too pessimistic.(40/40 A*)

Assess the view that Augustine’s teaching on human nature is too pessimistic (40 marks) This essay has been written by a…

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September 28, 2020 by

Essay: To What extent is Christianity better than Marxism in tackling social issues? (35/40 Grade A)

To what extent is Christianity better than Marxism at tackling social issues? Here is an example of an essay (marked) wirtten…

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September 24, 2020 by

Article – Review The Shadow of the Galilean by Gerd Theissen

The Shadow of the Galilean is written by author Gerd Theissen – a review by Chase Chartier source This is…

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September 22, 2020 by

Essay: Assess the view that Bonhoeffer’s teaching on morality still has relevance today.

Assess the view that Bonhoeffer’s teaching on ethics still has relevance today. Dietrich Bonhoeffer born 11 February 1906 is a widely…

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March 30, 2020 by

Extract: Jesus the Zealot: S.G.F. Brandon Answers His Critics

According to Dr. Wink, ” Brandon’s works reflect the spirit of the times in every bit the same way that the…

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March 30, 2020 by

Handout – Person of Jesus Christ

The Person of Jesus Christ Jesus’s authority is seen in his teachings and in the example he has set, as well…

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May 2, 2019 by

Extract Was Karl Barth a Universalist?

Was Karl Barth a Universalist? Nein! Was Karl Barth a Universalist? The short answer is No. Barth did not self-identify as a…

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