Andrew Capone

October 9, 2012
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Andrew Capone is Head of Religious Studies at St John Fisher Roman Catholic Comprehensive School. His Lesson Plans and Powerpoints provide a benchmark of excellence and we are very grateful for these contributions, which include powerpoints and activities to go with the lesson plans.



ESSAY WRITING Use the F.O.R.C.E.approach.

LESSON PLAN, POWERPOINT, STARTER ACTIVITIES, HANDOUTS on the Problem of Evil. Click here. (March 2013)

LESSON PLAN Religious Experience (Feb 2013) with starter activity and interactive HO

POWERPOINT Religious Experiences and challenges (Feb 2013)

ESSAY PLAN Anselm's Ontological Argument

POWERPOINT Anselm's Ontological Argument 

POWERPOINT  Virtue Ethics: an Introduction (October 2012)

POWERPOINT  Conscience (October 2012)

POWERPOINT Free Will (October 2012)

POWERPOINT Aristotle and Plato compared (October 2012)

POWERPOINT Abortion and Sanctity of Life (October 2012)

LESSON PLAN Introducton to the Teleological Argument (October 2012)

1 Comment
  1. Catherine Lane May 16, 2019 Reply

    A little query if you have time to help - thanks for the excellent little books! We were just finishing off Religious Language!
    I have just noticed on page 153 of the Philosophy Complete Guide that it says, Anthony Flew specifically stated, "Believers will allow nothing to falsify their belief claims. Therefore, God-Talk is meaningless as it is unfalsifiable." I have read the original scripts of the symposium and can't find these exact words - so I would love a reference if possible. One of the things i continually flag up to my classes is that the OCR Mark schemes and the current text books are very clear that Flew never says religious beliefs are meaningless. Page 113 of the Wilkinson and Wilcockson book states, " Nowhere does Flew say that religious beliefs are meaningless , as Ayer does " and , on page 114 states that -Ayer say religious language is meaningless - Flew obviously thinks otherwise.

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