Article: (level 2): Ethics of euthanasia

July 6, 2011
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Here is a very clear treatment of the ethical issues surrounding euthanasia. If you follow the links within the site you will also find discussion of euthanasia around the world, with useful quotes,


1 Comment
  1. Ella August 28, 2018 Reply

    I think that this article talks about an issue that is becoming more and more prominent as there are growing cases linked to euthanasia. I think that this article is interesting because it looks at a few of the different viewpoints such as some Christians who believe that God gave life to people as a gift so to take that away would be a sin. I think that euthanasia is a really difficult topic as it can be very personal to some people in the present, future or past. One thing I think though is that if someone is in a lot of pain and they no longer wish to continue living it for them to be denied that and then feel like they then have to take their own life is very upsetting and heartbreaking. On that, I think that if euthanasia means that the persons family can be with them and it can be done perhaps more peacefully then maybe that is the best way to help that person, however, I'm not sure as either way it will cause emotional pain to the person and the people who care about them.

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