Lesson Discussion – Evaluate this View

March 5, 2018
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Here is an extract from an anti-feminist website, arguing that you can’t both believe in biblical Christianity and be a feminist. This implies a certain hermeneutic (see my handout on Pluralism in the section of this website) – but we need to be clear that there isn’t one method of itnerpreting Scripture that gives a ‘pure’ word of God. Nor did the Bible writers ever teach this – the only verse which alludes to interpretation is 2Timothy 3:16. Look this u and we will see that this verse, too, needs interpreting.

So is there anything wrong with being a Christian woman and labeling yourself as a feminist?

Well, let’s check out the definition of equality feminism. Read it slowly. “equality feminism focuses on gaining equality between men and women in all domains (work, home, sexuality, law).” Sounds good.

But did you catch that? Equality feminism focuses on gaining equality in all domains. In a nutshell it means this: Equality for women won’t happen until all traditional gender roles in all domains are equal…as in the same. We’re not equal with men until women can freely swap lifestyles and roles with them. In most feminists’ eyes, equality means women must have the same jobs as men. Same life plans as men. Same roles in marriage as men. Same roles in parenting as men.

Am I wrong?

Ask any woman who claims to be a feminist if she is in favour of a wife submitting to her husband in marriage. She will rarely say yes. Why? Because she believes equality with men means sameness. Equality feminism clothes herself in a charming outfit with a warm smile and says, “We’re just innocent, harmless women…all we really desire is to be viewed as equally valuable as men.” If that’s truly all feminism was concerned about, this post could end in the next paragraph. But it’s not. Not even close. Feminism always puts the “equality” front towards the camera because it’s the most attractive side.

And that’s exactly why we receive emails from Christian girls asking why we’re against feminism.

They see the enchanting tip of the feminist iceberg and wonder, “Why is a Christian website like GirlDefined against women having equal value as men?” If these girls took a quick second to poke their heads underwater, they would quickly see the gigantic mass hiding underneath. The fact is, GirlDefined is 100% in favor of equality between men and women. That should be obvious. We even wrote an article on it (here). And you know what? We didn’t think of it first and neither did feminism.

God did.

From the beginning of time God clearly stated that “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27).

Equally valuable humans.

BUT…It doesn’t end there.

The man and the woman were created by God to be equal in value but different in roles. God didn’t design us to be the same. He didn’t design us to do all the same things. He created one male and one female with differing roles and jobs. He created two different genders on purpose and for a purpose.

Most feminists aren’t too fond of God’s design for gender.

They don’t like the idea of the man being dubbed as the primary leader, initiator, and provider. They don’t like the idea of Eve being created as a helper to Adam. They just don’t like these things. Feminism has rejected God as the ultimate authority for life and instead placed herself on the throne. The god of feminism pridefully says, “I know better than God and will live out my womanhood how I think is best.”

In addition to not liking God’s design for gender, equality feminism stands for far more than it’s friendly name suggests. If you do a little homework you’ll quickly discover how many other “women’s rights” issues equality feminism promotes. Let’s dive beneath the surface to see how big and narley this iceberg really is.

Right NOW (today) almost all feminist groups strongly stand for the following:

  • A woman’s right to abort (murder) her unborn baby.
  • Lesbianism and the right for women to marry women.
  • Complete liberation from sexual boundaries and morals.
  • Freedom from traditional gender roles in marriage.
  • Rejection of God as the ultimate authority in life.

The average American would agree that most feminists strongly stand for the above causes. I don’t know about you, but those are some serious anti-biblical “rights.” Right?

If you currently claim to be a feminist, I hope you will carefully consider what that word means and what it’s largely associated with.

Here’s the hard to swallow truth: As a Christian woman, you can’t agree 100% with God’s Word and agree 100% with feminism at the same time. They just don’t mix in most areas. In fact, if we threw all of the feminist ideologies into the same pot, the Bible would strongly oppose 99% of it. At its root, feminism is built upon a foundation completely devoid of God. The feminist movement is woven with the same sin Satan committed in the beginning. A rebellious heart that pridefully says, “I don’t need you, God. Thanks, but I’ll do things my way.”


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