The latest on Abortion (2014)

September 30, 2014
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Teeenage preganancy rates have plummeted – and also teenage abortions. Figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that the number of pregnancies in women under the age of 18 fell from 45,000 in 1969 to just over 30,000 in 2011. From 2012 to 2013 abortion rates for under 18s fell from 12.8 per 1,000 girls in 2012 to 11.7 in 2013. Daily Mail Sept 14th 2014

Ireland only allows abortion under certain restrictive circumstances (such as saving the mother’s life). The penalty for illegal abortions is 14 years. Here an immigrant woman is forced to have an abortion after failing to gain consent. Independent Aug 14th 2014

Should you abort a Downs’ Syndrome child? “Abort it and try again’ advises Richard Dawkins. Here a mother who went through with the pregnancy disagrees. Independent 21st Aug 2014.

Emily Letts filmed herself humming through an abortion in a clinic in New Jersey. Did she do the right thing sharing her experience on You Tube? Independent May 6th 2014 Here’s an excerpt from the longer You tube film where she reflects on her choice.

David Cameron vows to fight the (illegal) practice of sex-selective abortions. An analysis of the 2011 national census records suggesting that up to 4,500 girls may be “missing” from the census data of England and Wales because of sex-selective abortions either in the UK or abroad within certain ethnic minorities. Independent March 19th 2014.

One girl forced to have a termination after her foetus was scanned as female relates her story. Sexual differences are apparent at 14 weeks gestation. Independent March 14th 2104–the-story-of-a-woman-forced-into-genderselective-abortions-9193623.html?origin=internalSearch

Dr Tiller was a late term abortionist who was shot dead in the foyer of his church in America by a pro-life activist. His life has inspired a new film, After Tiller, chronicling the struggle between these two ideological positions on abortion which sometimes ends in tragic violence. Independent Jan 22nd 2014

The debate: Bel Mooney says her abortion was ‘no big deal’ but others say something different – telling of heartbreak and guilt. Daily Mail Sept 17th 2014


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