H573 Teaching Pack Developments in Christian Thought Complete Course
Author: Daniella Dunsmore & Peter Baron
Product Format: Digital documents
Daniella Dunsmore and Peter Baron take a multiple-intelligences approach to teaching the key themes of pluralism, feminism (issues of gender and society), secularism and liberation theology. Designed lesson by lesson to give detailed lesson plans, starter activities, extracts, powerpoints and film clip suggestions this pack puts the ‘wow’ back into teaching and saves the teacher hours of preparation.
What’s inside the pack?
This pack contains: 387 files of Word and PowerPoint documents
File list: (note: all files are Word Docs unless otherwise stated)
Example Pages
(not from this particular pack)
Teaching Pack Contents
DCT1 insight – augustine death and afterlife
- DCT Guide
- DCT Shorthand
dct1a ahn augustine’s teaching on human nature
- A0.O Overview – Augustine
Lesson 1 (AU) Introducing Augustine
- AU.L1 Introducing Augustine
- AU1.A1 Questions on human nature
- AU1.A2 Friendship
- AU1.A3 Plenary
- AU1.E1 The Fall
- AU1.P1 Intro Augustine pptx
Lesson 2 (AU) Original Sin and Effects on the Will
- A2.P1 Original Sin and effects on will pptx
- AU.L2 Original Sin and Effects on the Will
- AU2.A1 Paradoxical State of the Will
- AU2.E1 St Paul’s Letter to the Romans
- AU2.E2 Confessions VIII xi-xii
Lesson 3 (AU) Sin as Ontological Condition
- AU.L3 Sin as Ontological Human Nature
- AU3.A1 record notes
- AU3.A2 Key word crossword
- AU3.E1 John 3
- AU3.P1 Sin as ontological condition pptx
Lesson 4 (AU) God’s Grace
- AU.L4 God’s Grace
- AU4.A1 mini-analysis
- AU4.A2 revision
- AU4.P1 God’s Grace pptx
Lesson 5 (AU) Challenges to Augustine
- A5.A1 challenges
- A5.A2 Burger analysis
- A5.P1 Challenge of evolutionary biology and psych pptx
- AU.L5 Challenges to Augustine
Lesson 6 (AU) Essay Planning
- AU.L6 Approaching examination Technique and Topics
- AU6.A1 starter
- AU6.A2 Exploring perspectives
- AU6.P1 Essay exploration pptx
dct1b da death and the afterlife copy
- DA O docx
Lesson 1 – Belief in Resurrection
- DA1 A1 Argument Temple docx
- DA1 A2 Big Paper Debate docx
- DA1 A3 Plenary Triangle docx
- DA1 E1 A Question about Resurrection docx
- DA1 E2 The Rich Man and Lazarus docx
- DA1 E3 The Parable of the Last Judgement docx
- DA1 E4 Jesus Appears to Thomas docx
- DA1 E5 The Road to Emmaus docx
- DA1 L Belief in Resurrection docx
- DA1 P Belief in Resurrection pptx
Lesson 2 – Types of Resurrection
- DA2 A1 Key Terms Match Up docx
- DA2 A2 Mind Mapping docx
- DA2 A3 Triangulation docx
- DA2 E1 Paul on Resurrection docx
- DA2 E2 Thomas Aquinas on Resurrection docx
- DA2 E3 The Church on Resurrection docx
- DA2 E4 Richard Dawkins on Resurrection docx
- DA2 L Types of Resurrection docx
- DA2 P Types of Resurrection pptx
Lesson 3 – Beliefs of the Afterlife
- DA3 A1 Diamond 9 docx
- DA3 A2 Image Assigning docx
- DA3 A3 Dominos docx
- DA3 E1 John Paul II on Hell docx
- DA3 E2 C.S. Lewis on Hell docx
- DA3 E3 Richard Swinburne on Hell docx
- DA3 L Beliefs of the Afterlife docx
- DA3 P Beliefs of the Afterlife pptx
Lesson 4 – Divine Election
- DA4 A1 Venn Diagram docx
- DA4 A2 Confused Opinion and Evidence docx
- DA4 A3 Taboo docx
- DA4 L Divine Election docx
- DA4 P Divine Election pptx
dct2 foundations – knolwedge of god jesus christ
- DCT Guide
- DCT Shorthand
dct2a kg knowledge of god
- KG O docx
Lesson 1 – Natural and revealed theology
- KG1 A1 Diamond 9 docx
- KG1 A2 Wheel of Knowledge docx
- KG1 A3 Plenary Triangle docx
- KG1 E1 Romans docx
- KG1 E2 Catechism docx
- KG1 L Natural Knowledge docx
- KG1.P.pptx
Lesson 2 – Natural knowledge of God
- KG2 A1 Argument Temple docx
- KG2 A2 Confused Opinion and Evidence docx
- KG2 A3 Plenary Triangle docx
- KG2 E1 Acts of the Apostles docx
- KG2 E2 John Calvin on the Innate Knowledge of God docx
- KG2 L Natural knowledge of God docx
- KG2 P pptx
Lesson 3 – Revealed knowledge of God
- A1 Diamond 9
- A2 Image Assigning docx
- A3 Dominoes
- KG3 E1 John Calvin on the Innate Knowledge of God docx
- KG3 E2 Catechism docx
- KG3 E2 John Calvin on the Innate Knowledge of God docx
- KG3 L docx
- KG3 P pptx
Lesson 4 – Natural-revealed knowledge
- A1 Argument Temple
- A2 Compare the Scholars
- A3 Plenary Triangle
- KG4 L docx
- KG4 P pptx
dct2b jc jesus christ
- JC0.O Overview with PB comments – Jesus Christ
Lesson 1 (JC) Introducing Jesus
- JC.L1 Introducing Jesus
- JC1.A1 Note taking template
- JC1.A2 Authority starter
- JC1.A3 Scholar dialogue
- JC1.A4 key word plenary
- JC1.P1 Introducing Jesus
Lesson 2 (JC) Jesus Teacher of Wisdom
- JC.L2 Jesus Teacher of Wisdom
- JC2.A1 Kite task moral teaching
- JC2.A2 motive and inner purity task
- JC2.A3 Bubble map
- JC2.E1 Sermon the Mount
- JC2.E2 Parable of Lost Son
- JC2.E3 Zacchaeus
- JC2.P1 Jesus Teacher of Wisdom pptx
Lesson 3 (JC) How Different was Jesus’ Moral Teaching
- JC.A1 suggested answers
- JC.L3 How Different was Jesus’ Moral Teaching
- JC3.A1 Tree map moral leaders
- JC3.A2 Evaluation task
- JC3.P1 How different was Jesus’ moral teaching pptx
Lesson 4 (JC) Jesus as Liberator
- JC.L4 Jesus as Liberator
- JC4.A2 Table task extracts
- JC4.E1 Good Samaritan
- JC4.E2 Bleeding woman
- JC4.P1 Jesus liberator pptx
Lesson 5 (JC) Jesus as Son of God
- JC.L5 Jesus as Son of god
- JC5.A2 High low christology
- JC5.A3 miracles
- JC5.A4 dialogue miracles
- JC5.A5 Key word picture task
- JC5.E1 walking on water and healing of man born blind
- JC5.P1 Jesus Son of God pptx
Lesson 6 (JC) Jesus’ Uniqueness
- JC.L6 Jesus’ Uniqueness
- JC6.A2 evaluate uniqueness
- JC6.A3 Quiz plenary and answers
- JC6.P1 Jesus’ Uniqueness
dct3 living – moral principles and action
- DCT Guide
- DCT Shorthand
dct3a cmp christian moral principles
- CMP0.O Christian Moral Principles overview
1 The Bible as Only Authority
- CMP.L1 Lesson Plan
- CMP1.A1 Reflection God’s laws
- CMP1.A2 Literalism and Contradictions
- CMP1.E1 2 Samuel 11 Extract
- CMP1.P1 The Bible as Only Authority pptx
2 Bible, Church and Reason
- CMP.L2 Lesson Plan
- CMP2.A1 Key words
- CMP2.A2 Natural Laws
- CMP2.FC1 Magisterium
- CMP2.P1 Bible Church and Reason
3 Protestant Ethical Heteronomy
- CMP.L3 Lesson Plan
- CMP3.A1 Problem of Sources
- CMP3.E1 Sermon on the Mount
- CMP3.E2 Stanley Hauerwas Abortion
- CMP3.P1 Protestant Ethical Heteronomy pptx
4 Are Christian Ethics Distinctive, Personal, Communal
- CMP.L4 Lesson Plan
- CMP4.E1 Jesus challenging rules
- CMP4.E2 and FC1 Hans Kung Euthanasia
- CMP4.P1 Are Christian Ethics Distinctive pptx
5 Is the Principle of Love Sufficient to Live a Good Life
- CMP.L5 Lesson Plan
- CMP5.A1 Four Working Principles
- CMP5.P1 Is the Principle of Love Sufficient pptx
6 Is the Bible a Comprehensive Moral Guide
- CMP.L6 Lesson Plan
- CMP6.P1 Is the Bible a Comprehensive Guide pptx
DCT3b CMA Christian Moral Action
- CMA0.O Christian Moral Action Overview
Lesson 1 (CMA) Duty to God and Duty to the State
- CMA.L1 Lesson Plan
- CMA1.A1 Starter Bonhoeffer Timeline
- CMA1.A2 Bible extracts obedience to the state
- CMA1.A3 Credit concern judgement
- CMA1.E1 Will of God
- CMA1.P1 Duty to God and Duty to the State pptx
Lesson 2 (CMA) Should Christians Practice Civil Disobedience
- CMA.L2 Lesson Plan
- CMA2.A1 Starter Leadership
- CMA2.A2 Bonhoeffer extracts
- CMA2.E1 Bonhoeffer Ethics and Letters from Prison
- CMA2.FC1 Nazism and the Church
- CMA2.P1 Should Christians Practice Civil Disobedience pptx
Lesson 3 (CMA) Church as Community and Source of Spiritual Discipline
- CMA.L3 Lesson Plan
- CMA3.A1 Starter key words
- CMA3.A2 Community of Finkenwalde
- CMA3.E1 Barmen Declaration
- CMA3.FC1 Barmen Declaration
- CMA3.P1 Church as Community and Source of Spiritual Discipline pptx
Lesson 4 (CMA) The Cost of Discipleship
- CMA.L4 Lesson Plan
- CMA4.A1 Barth reflection
- CMA4.A2 Christ Scripture Faith
- CMA4.E1 Luke extract
- CMA4.P1 The Cost of Discipleship
Lesson 5 (CMA) Does Bonhoeffer Place too much Emphasis on Suffering
- CMA.L5 Lesson Plan
- CMA5.A1 Suffering Quiz
- CMA5.A2 Notes on FC1
- CMA5.FC1 Bonhoeffer and Costly Grace
- CMA5.P1 Does Bonhoeffer Place too Much Emphasis on Suffering
Lesson 6 (CMA) Does Bonhoeffer have Relevance Today
- CMA.L6 Lesson Plan
- CMA6.A1 Bonhoeffer and global issues
- CMA6.A2 Plural moral societies dialogue
- CMA6.P1 Does Bonhoeffer have Relevance Today
DCT4 Development
4a PS Pluralism and Society
PS1 Multi Faith Society
- PS1 A1 For & Against
- PS1 L lesson plan
- PS1 Multi faith society pptx
PS2 Christian Responses
- PS2 A1 Scripted Dialogue
- PS2 A2 Inter Faith Forum Diagram
- PS2 E1
- PS2 L Lesson Plan Christian Responses
- PS2 P Christian responses pptx
PS3 Scriptural Reasoning
- PS3 A1 Evaluative Table Fill
- PS3 A2 Peer Assessment
- PS3 L Lesson Plan Scriptural Reasoning
- PS3 P Scriptural reasoning pptx
PS4 Issues of Dialogue and Reasoning
- PS4 A1 Cut, Code & Scale
- PS4 A2 Scale Template
- PS4 L Lesson Plan
- PS4 P Issues of Dialogue and Reasoning pptx
4b PT Pluralism and Theology
PT1 Exclusivism
- PT 1 P Exclusivism pptx
- PT1 A1 Credit & Concern Kraemer & Barth
- PT1 A2 Argument Temple
- PT1 E1 Lumen Gentium
- PT1 E2 Kraemer and Barth
- PT1 L Exclusivism Lesson Plan
PT2 Inclusivism
- PT2 A1 Mindmap and Thought Bubbles
- PT2 E1Lumen Gentium
- PT2 L Inclusivism lesson plan
- PT2 P Inclusivism pptx
PT3 Pluralism
- PT3 A1 Hick Table Class Thoughts
- PT3 A2 Panikkar Activity
- PT3 L Pluralism Lesson Plan
- PT3 P Pluralism pptx
PT4 Issues 1
- PT4 A1 Bible References
- PT4 A2 Structured Evaluation
- PT4 E1 Create a Script
- PT4 L Issues Lesson Plan
- PT4 P Issues pptx
PT5 Issues 2
- PT5 A1 Christian Beliefs Undermined
- PT5 A2 Peer Assessment
- PT5 L Issues 2 Lesson Plan
- PT5 P Issues 2 pptx
DCT5 Gender Society and Feminism
- F O Overview
- H573/03/2c/5 Year 2 Specification
5a F1 Gender and Society
- F1 E1 Hermeneutics of Suspicion
- F1 E2 Ephesians 5
- F1 E3 Mulieris Dignitatem
- F1 E4 Church interprets Ephesians 5
- F1 E5 Debate Male Headship Against
- F1 E6 Inter Insigniores 1976 F1
- F1 E7 Ann Atkins interprets Genesis 2
- F1 E8 Subordinate Role for Woman
- F1 E9 Some Quotes on Feminism
- F1 Key Quotes Feminism
- F1 L Gender and Society
- F1 P1 Family and Feminism pptx
- F1 S Starter Gender Roles
5b F2 Rosemary Ruether
- F2 A1 Table (Blank)
- F2 A1 Table (Filled)
- F2 E1 Ruether and Biblical Interpretation
- F2 E2 Ruether’s own words
- F2 E3 Isaiah’s vision of liberation and justice
- F2 E4 Can a Male Saviour save women?
- F2 E5 Evaluation of Ruether
- F2 F Answers Plenary Gap fill Ruether
- F2 F Plenary Gap fill Ruether
- F2 L Rosemary Ruether
- F2 P Presentation on Ruether pptx
- F2 S Images of Eve
- F2 Structure of Thought
5c F3 Mary Daly
- F3 E1 Sin Big
- F3 E2 De Beauvoir
- F3 E3 Mary Daly Interview
- F3 E4 Open Letter to Mary Daly
- F3 E5 Evaluating Daly JM Wood
- F3 F Plenary Let’s Spark!
- F3 L Mary Daly
- F3 P Mary Daly pptx
- F3 S Starter the Myth of Metis
5d F4 Gender and Feminist Ethics
- F4 A1 Table Daly Ruether
- F4 A1 Teacher’s Copy Daly Ruether
- F4 F Quicktest Daly Ruether quotes
- F4 F (2) Answers Daly Ruether quotes
- F4 L Gender and Society
- F4 P Gender and Feminism pptx
- F4 S Images of Mary
DCT6 Challenges
6a S Secularism
S1 & S2 Freud and Dawkins
- S1 A1 Key Word Match
- S1 A2 Silent Debate
- S1 FC1 Philomena
- S1 L1 &2 Freud & Dawkins Lesson Plan
- S1 P Freud and Dawkins pptx
S3 Secular Humanism
- S3 A1 Amsterdam Declaration Ranking Exercise
- S3 A2 Evaluative Response
- S3 A3 Create a Script Faith Schools
- S3 A4 Write a Reply Letter – Christopher Dawson
- S3 L Secular Humanism Lesson Plan
- S3 P Secular humanism pptx
S4 Issues
- S4 A1 Table Fill Example and Response
- S4 L Lesson Plan issues
- S4 P Issues pptx
S5 Scholar Study
- S5 L Lesson Plan Scholar Study
- S5 P Scholar study pptx
6b LT Liberation theology and Marx
LT1 Liberation Introduction
- LT1 A1 Table Fill
- LT1 FC1 Gutierrez and Romero Film Clip
- LT1 L Lesson plan
- LT1 P Presentation Introduction pptx
LT2 Alienation and Exploitation
- LT2 A1 Think and Disagree
- LT2 FC1 Marx Video Clip Worksheet
- LT2 L lesson Plan
- LT2 P Presentation Marx on alienation and exploitation pptx
LT3 Social SIn
- LT3 A1 Produce a Script
- LT3 L Social Sin Lesson Plan
- LT3 P Social sin pptx
LT4 Preference for the Poor
- LT4 A1 Challenges and Defence Activity
- LT4 L Lesson Plan
- LT4 P Preferential option for the poor pptx
LT5 Theology & Marx
- LT5 A1 Build a Diagram
- LT5 A2 Issues and Arguments
- LT5 L Lesson plan
- LT5 P Issues Liberation Theology and Marx pptx