January 24, 2012
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Interactive introduction – Euthanasia 1 hour 30 minutes


1. Terry Pratchett euthanasia documentary on Channel 5 or alternatively watch Terry Pratchett and Tony Robinson on You Tube
2. A3 paper
3. Coloured pens

Introduction: 20 mins

Give class in groups of 4-6 a piece of A3 paper. Explain that in this lesson we will evaluate the main issues concerning euthanasia. In groups, draw a mind map of the main issues. 10 mins

Each group comes forward and shares one "branch" of the map on the board. 10 mins

The Ethics Toolkit: 10 mins

Ask each group to write down on a piece of paper (one sixth of A3 works well) one idea from the Ethics Toolkit which we might use for this issue. Explain our theories operate like a toolkit, giving us ideas we can use in order to get an answer to a moral problem. Colour them according to whether they are deontological/teleological ideas.

Use eg red pens for teleological and blue for deontological. Give out blue tac.

Ask a member of each group to stick their pieces of paper on each side of the board (left for deontological and right for teleological).

Possible ideas include sanctity of life, quality of life, happiness, most loving outcome, intrinisic wrong, universalisability, categorical imperative, right to self-determination, treating yourself as a means to an end etc.

The documentary: 40 minutes (stop before we see the man Terry Pratchett is following actually die as this may be too shocking for some).

Explain we're going to watch forty minutes of the documentary. Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer's disease, and wants to explore the rights and wrongs of assisted suicide. He will interview people and their families who have decided to go to Dignitas clinic in Switzerland – the only place a British person can go (other countries like Belgium who allow assisted suicide don't allow foreign nationals).

As we watch the documentary be prepared to evaluate it.

  • Is it a fair treatment?
  • Are all the issues your group has identified covered by it?
  • Do you agree with Terry Pratchett's view?

Evaluation: 15mins

Either as individuals or as a group write your evaluation of the documentary.
Follow up research: Ask students to research the Keir Starmer guidelines on assisted suicide on the internet (for discussion next time: would these stop a slippery slope developing where people are pressurised to choose death?  Compare with the Oregon rules in America).



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