2.4 Abortion and punishment of women

August 28, 2014
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Janet Radcliffe Richards abortion and punishment


As already stated, most views against abortion base their position from the value theyplace on the foetuses' life. Even so, in the case where pregnancy had occurred through rape, most opponents of abortion would believe that there would be sufficient justification for termination. Obviously, there is something paradoxical about this—if the foetus is valuable because it is human, it is obviously no less human because itsmother had been raped. So how can some opponents of abortion hold suchcontradictory ideas? Janet Radcliffe Richards’ explains that when a woman is forced to continue pregnancy until childbirth, “…the child is being used as an instrument of punishment to the mother, and that talk of the sanctity of life is being used to disguise the fact.”The only thing that a woman that wants to abort for reasons of accidental
 pregnancy has done differently, is to have engaged willingly to sex—and that is what she is being punished for.



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