Possible Exam Questions

August 4, 2018
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Here is a list of possible exam questions for H573/1 section of the specification, using the guidance in the specification and the trigger words (command words like ‘discuss’) which OCR has indicated will appear. If you prepare these questions thoroughly it is highly likely the exam questions will be very similar to one of these. If you’re struggling to master a philosophical way of writing essays, my book How to Write Philosophical Essays (available in the peped shop) explains how to do this. If you need a tutor for this course, please email me peterbaron@peped.org. PB

Nature of God

  1. Critically assess the philosophical problems raised by believing in an omnibenevolent God.
  2. Evaluate the philosophical problems raised by the belief that God is eternal.
  3. Assess the claim that the universe shows no evidence of the existence of a benevolent God
  4. Critically assess the problems for believers who say that God is omniscient.
  5. Boethius was successful in his argument that God rewards and punishes justly. Discuss.
  6. Critically assess the philosophical problems raised by belief that God is omniscient.

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